Polyeco participated in the "14th International HCH & Pesticides Forum

Polyeco participated in the "14th International HCH & Pesticides Forum," which took place in Saragossa, Spain, during February 21-24, 2023. The event was co-organized by the Government of Aragon, the International HCH & Pesticides Association (IHPA), the Aragonese Society of Agro-environmental Management (SARGA), and the European Union. The conference's subject was the treatment and management of hazardous waste containing lindane and HCH (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Hexachlorocyclohexane) with the goal of their elimination, as defined by the Stockholm Convention (2001) on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). Researchers, representatives from specialized waste management companies, environmental organizations, and representatives from countries affected by Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) waste gathered at the forum, to find technical and applicable solutions for addressing historical waste from the production and use of pesticides.

Polyeco participated in the panel of speakers as a specialized company in the treatment and management of hazardous waste from pesticides, lindane, and HCH. The company was represented by Mr. Ilias Avramikos, Director of International Projects, and Mr. George Tsaimos, Project Manager. Mr Tsaimos talked about the ongoing remediation project undertaken by the company at the former “OHIS” organochlorine pesticide production facility in Skopje, North Macedonia. The project involves the management of more than 1500 tons of lindane and HCH waste and is co-financed by the United Nations, the European Union, and the Ministry of Environment of North Macedonia.


During the event, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) presented its project on the repackaging, export, and final treatment of approximately 600 tons of DDT waste in Bangladesh, which was successfully completed by Polyeco in 2022.